Ben Franklin from coin to bill but so much more

Published in Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin: More Than Just a Face on a Hundred Dollar Bill

Benjamin Franklin adorns the U.S. $100 bill today, but his legacy extends far beyond currency. This Founding Father was a true Renaissance man: inventor, scientist, writer, diplomat, and political leader. Let’s explore some of the reasons why Ben Franklin remains an American icon.

A Life of Innovation

Franklin’s curiosity and tinkering spirit led to a string of inventions that changed everyday life. His bifocals helped him see clearly at both near and far distances, while his lightning rod protected buildings from electrical strikes. These are just a few examples of his ingenuity.

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A Champion of Science and Enlightenment

Franklin wasn’t just an inventor; he was also a dedicated scientist. His experiments with electricity helped us understand this powerful force. He was a founding member of the American Philosophical Society, a testament to his belief in the power of reason and scientific inquiry.

A Founding Father with a Witty Pen

Franklin’s influence extended to the political sphere. He played a key role in drafting the Declaration of Independence and securing French support during the American Revolution. His wit and clear writing style made his ideas accessible to a wide audience, influencing public opinion and shaping the nation’s identity.

A Legacy of Self-Improvement and Civic Virtue

Franklin believed in the power of hard work, education, and personal responsibility. His autobiography, “Poor Richard’s Almanack,” offered practical advice and proverbs promoting thrift, diligence, and community spirit.

Benjamin Franklin’s life and accomplishments serve as an inspiration for generations. He was a man of boundless curiosity, a tireless advocate for progress, and a champion of the American spirit. So, the next time you see his face on a hundred-dollar bill, remember the remarkable man behind the image.